Your body the gateway.
Dive deep into the felt experiences of the body to release, integrate, and embody your innate life-force energy. This a journey of self-discovery and transformation through shadow work, archetypal medicine, and somatics.
Every New and Full Moon gather to experience the magic of ritual and ceremony in a sacred space dedicated to honoring and embodying the divine feminine, the moon, and authentic sisterhood. This is a moonthly (monthly) subscription.
10 spots left.
Connect with the natural rhythms of the moon, your body, and the Earth. Liberate your power, embrace your sovereignty, and work with the wise cycles of nature to transform, manifest, and create.
Options to journey through 1, 3, or 13 (a whole year) Lunar Cycles.
Journey through all of life's phases (and each lunar cycle) with an online community of wild women exploring the depths of their own spirituality, wisdom, and knowing.
Application Required
I was born in Utah to a practicing LDS family where I was steeped in 'spirit' over everything. To live life 'for the next life.' When I was 8, I was asked if I wanted to be baptized in the church. While I said yes, there was a subtle ache in my center that defiently said 'no.'
But, being the 8 year-old I was and so wanting to belong, I continued. I had to be 'baptized' three times, because each time they tried a little toe, or finger, (or maybe it was my wild tail), would pop above the water - and the baptism wouldn't be complete, for I wasn't fully submerged; still...unclean.
As I grew, that aching feeling within became gnawing. I grew up never feeling like I was 'worthy,' 'enough,' or 'right.' I felt wrong to my core. Outside, I tried to be the example of a "Daughter of God," I really did try to believe...but within, I was always hiding who I really was. This split of 'out there' and 'in here' became unbearable and I resorted to drugs and alcohol in my teenaege years to mitigate the pressures of living as one thing, but being another.
Finally, turning 17 and graduating high school, I fled like a feral creature who'd become a domesticated pet: the first chance I got. No money, no home, no real-sense of what I was doing. But it was time to go.
I spent a lot of time on the road, living in tents, friends homes, sometimes my own place, but everything was quite...untethered. I was on a journey of losing 'who I thought I was', my naivety, and everything I had been taught to think of the world. At times it was scary, I couldn't make sense of what was 'right/wrong' or 'up/down,' 'safe/unsafe.' There was a lot of uncertainity, scarcity, non-understanding, and terror. Terror that I was going to burn in hell, that I already was in hell, becuase I had forsaken the 'straight and narrow.' Terror that I wouldn't 'make it.'
But what kept me from running back to my old life that constantly pulled at me, was that small sensation within, no longer gnawing, or aching, but burning with Knowing. Knowing that this was better than living stuffed-inward.
Years later, and being 20, my spirit finally led my body to North Carolina, where I traded my repressed upbringing for life as an exotic dancer - a stripper. Where I met "Selene," the Goddess of the Moon. The woman, the persona, I would embody as I spent about six years in and out of that profession. It was the place I found liberation through dance, movement, sensuality, and expression. It is where I discovered and was initiated into the sacred power of sensuality, ecstatic bliss, and my own primal, raw, sexual, femininity. It is there I discovered, re-claimed, and began re-membering who I was.
Now almost 29, and having been out of that profession for almost three years, I am integrating that medicine. Distilling it down into a safe form of wild, expressive, liberated freedom. Because neither the environments of religion, nor strip clubs, are pure. They are steeped in a culture that is oppressive, manipulative, and exploitative (much like our own societies). But it is what shaped me and I honor them for all they've given me. While I would never say to a woman 'go to the club to find your essence,' I am glad that that is where my journey led me. For in me, there is this burning desire to help women embrace and express their true essence without the accumulation of trauma, hardship, or oppression. Now, I have the gift of creating sacred and safe spaces where women can feel into their own capacity, sensuality, and power for themselves...and embody that in their lives as they see fit.
In deep gratitude to Selene, to my parents, their parents, and my ancestors. In deep gratitude, I honor my time in the LDS church, and the many
many clubs that helped me re-member that I am worthy of love, simply because I exist. I send my prayers out to those still in those enviroments, or one's like it, may they be liberated. And may we all come to re-member and embody our divine essence.
With wild and ecstatic love,
“Kayla’s embodiment sessions were a pivotal part of recovering from relational trauma and deconditioning some longer term patterns of inhibition and suppression. After our sessions, I often felt like I released a new layer of shame or grief and had stepped more into my empowered and sensual self."
Dr. Justine Grosso, Licensed Psychologist
Sensual/Somatics Sessions
“My experiences each time at each gathering is filled with magic, intention, and healing. Ever since I began my journey in Kayla’s moon circle ceremonies I have felt a shift in my confidence within myself, I have this revived power that rises within me with each gathering that brings me back to my soul but connects me to these beautiful women souls where we are literally healing our ancestral wounds and burning our intentions at the fire and howling at the moon it’s always an amazing experience.”
Maria A,
In-Person Moon Ceremonies
Kayla, has been the healthiest catalyst for transforming into the woman I have always wanted to be. I met her and the universe started unfolding before me. My petals opened and blossomed. The shielded and hidden parts of my soul started to grow louder, asking to be exposed and heard. She has kind and loving energy and gently promotes meaningful, positive change in all those she meets.
She radiates feminine beauty.
I am undescribably thankful for her.
Sydney Marie, Yogi
In-Person Moon Ceremonies
“It was great being in a group where everyone felt comfortable being completely genuine about their feelings. This is Kayla’s purpose! She creates a safe space for women to better understand themselves.”
In-Person Moon Ceremonies
"Working with Kayla has been an inspirational experience, not only in the way she holds space but in the way she teaches her clients to hold space for themselves.”
Jarisa Johnson, Hypnotherapist
Sensual/Somatics Sessions
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