In Person Moon Ceremonies

Reclaim The Sacred

Reclaim Your Life.

We don't need to change, We just need to remember.

I Remember. Do You?

Moon Ceremonies For The Sacred Feminine

Devotional ☾ Sacred ☾ Intuitive

Each new and full moon we gather, in-person, as a sacred community to re-member and re-call the sacredness of life. We sync our lives to our internal rhythms and nature's cycles.

We re-member the wisdom:

🪔Of our bodies

🩸Of our blood cycles (no matter the phase of cycle)

🌍Of this Earth,

👣Of those who walked before us.

We re-member our truths.

And we go live it out in the world.

The time is only, ever, now.

Gather With Us

only 13 spots available

We Gather Because We Long To Re-member

Our Freedom

Our Joy + Vitality

Our Authentic Expression

Our Soul

  • One Ceremony

    A beautiful way to expereince a ceremony.


    • New or full moon ceremony at time of puchase.
    Drop In
  • Upcoming Moon Ceremony Dates

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